Line 1: The integer N.
Lines 2..1+N: Line i+1 contains M(i).
给出N(1≤N≤20)个数M(i) (1 <= M(i) <= 100,000,000),在其中选若干个数,如果这几个数可以分成两个和相等的集合,那么方案数加1。问总方案数。
4 1 2 3 4
INPUT DETAILS: There are 4 cows, with milk outputs 1, 2, 3, and 4.
OUTPUT DETAILS: There are three balanced subsets: the subset {1,2,3}, which can be partitioned into {1,2} and {3}, the subset {1,3,4}, which can be partitioned into {1,3} and {4}, and the subset {1,2,3,4} which can be partitioned into {1,4} and {2,3}.